Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Portal...

I love to read....I love stories. I mean I really love to invest myself in the search and discovery of a story...finding something...somewhere in it....a morsel...a tidbit...a little treasure...something I can learn and grow from...something that I can feel....something that I can attach least for a little while...and loose myself in thought and let my imagination run as free and energetic as the wind with a message attached to it's meaning and meandering in a journey towards an uncertain end.

Reading to a window...a anothers perspective...anothers world. I can imagine without the boundary of sight and sound... I can see with my mind and capture the words from the page as they grace my vision and gloss the edge of my own perception with just a hint of meaning and understanding. Just when I am not looking and open to whatever will come...the author will throw a unexpected but completely welcome avenue towards a whole new perspective and as I travel with the author's voice in my mind...sitting at the feet of the great story and imagined path...I find myself living a different life...a different perspective...with different meanings and thoughts that are not totally and wholly my own. In these instances and moments I find myself thoroughly lost and engulfed...overwhelmingly underneath the rim of my reality and succumbed to my creative self...a self that defies my normal and rational logic and manages to actually ask the question.....WHAT IF?!?

What if the world didn't work the way I know it does? What if the future was actually somewhere and something that was not ordinary and unexplained? What if I could be anything I desired and it could come true? What if my hope was meant for a purpose? What if my purpose was bigger than I am? What if the whole and sum of my experience was actually enough to be complete in and of itself? What if I could actually see the cycles and patterns of anything I desired to see and see into the future? What if the sky were orange and the sunset blue? What if gravity was not actually based on the scientific law that physics tells us it is based on? What if I could travel back or forward in time? What if I could make myself invisible...and then will? What if I had unlimited wealth, fame, and fortunes beyond my imagination? What if I...was not myself but something...or someone else?

I just finished the latest and last Harry Potter book and then right on the heels of that I just finished "The Road" and I am in the middle of about five other different books right now.

It makes me want to write. What if I could write? What if someone actually liked what I wrote...and had to say? What if it was my imagination that took you on a journey...a path into the laugh and contemplate and to see through my minds eye...what could be?

What if?

Interesting thought....

1 comment:

Gina said...

I often enter the whole Matrix What if game.... lol
I think its Movies that effect me this way more than reading. I have some reading baggage.... that baggage for knowledge... not for pleasure.. altho I do find that the knowledge GIVES me pleasure.... so ponder that one:) I love to write too.. Its such a release for me. A chance to chat, as though my readers are here.