Saturday, August 2, 2008

For fun... has again been awhile since I last posted so I haven't improved that much...ahh vell...and nobody had any advice to give from my last post...hmm...everyone reading this must be as poor minded as I am LOL...or nobody's checkin in LOL...I guess I'm on my own to learn...

Today...momma's down visiting G with aunty Kymn so Harmony and I took Sarah Bear out to the zoo for a little fun in the sun. We had a good time mostly....although close to 1:00 Sarah, hot and very tired, started to cry...then it turned into a full on meltdown.

Daddy tried to make it better...Sissy tried to make it better...but the Boo Bear just wasn't havin any of it so we left and came home to put the big girl in bed. She had fun for awhile at least.

Getting some well needed warm sun!

This is Sissy trying to get Sarah to play like a goat and say Baahh! She never would lower herself to such nonsense LOL ;)

But sissy would!

This was Sarah's imitation of the monkeys we were looking at.

Our beautiful girl...with a mouthful of fingers.

And then things started to get hot...and someone started to get tired...soon after this...

things went south rather quickly...someone needed a nap.

There was a couple of folks from a program called Wild Things and they had a few animals there that they were presenting and showing off. Very cool and held Sarah's interests for a few minutes at least! :)

Here is a fairly large moniter lizard and a baby black bear.

We had fun...mostly. The folks are bringing animals in for show at noon and 2:00 every weekend until Labor day. Fun stuff!

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