Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Last week I had a day of counseling that was great...and hard...but in the end...made me feel as if I made some kind of a difference in at least a couple of lives. I watched a person cry...and watched them literally feel the pain that they are in deep in their bones...over the apparent end of a marriage...this is someone who would traditionally never be one to express their emotions in this manner...and yet...here they were feeling...openly and deeply...

The thing about someone being able to express themselves in this manner...is that they release things...physically and emotionally...that can allow them to reach a point where forward motion is possible. It is through the pain that we are in that we find and learn our greatest lessons...and in doing so teach each other and remind ourselves of what we are really trying to do in this life.

I walked away from the experience feeling...first of all...which is a good thing...and secondly feeling hopeful that with some encouragement and some small guidance there will be...hopefully...some future forward motion for others because of my being there and hopefully...maybe...my words. I will not and can not take credit for their motion...but I will take credit for my being there and sharing the experience with them...and sharing some tools and guidance with them. But the progress they make is theirs and theirs alone to take credit for...and I like that...because they can own it...and it is right that they do...and it is right for me to celebrate their achievement with them.

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