Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Blahg, blahg, blahg...

Sometimes I think that the things I am discovering about myself aren't really new but somehow recycled ideas and views from earlier in my life and somehow regenerated into something I think is new...but really isn't. I think I am looking for something...searching for an idea or plan that will be a vehicle to get me where I "want to go"...yet...the idea of where that is....keeps changing...rearranging...evolving...expanding...and sometimes I feel like it is hard to keep up with myself.

Sometimes...I feel like I am chasing my own tail...and sometimes...I feel focused and in control...funny thing is all an illusion...and none of it is really true except for in a moment...which is relieving...and frustrating LOL...all at the same time...

I guess I need to get back to my guitar...where things make sense...and I am connected to the greater universe...a place where my voice can be heard...even when there is no one around...and I can channel whatever creative energy is floating in my general vicinity at the moment...and the wise Frank Zappa once said...."shut up and play yer guitar"! :)

I think I will...

1 comment:

The Sarah Bear said...

And you do it so well babe... I miss it. Will you play for me? I love you.